Quality produces quality. With over 40 years of breeding expertise.

Ashlaren Weimaraners is a small dedicated kennel selectively breeding for type and temperament.
Our Kennel was founded in 1983 by Lainie Knox and daughter Rachel Stock (nee Knox). Our first Weimaraner was bought primarily as a companion pet for the family, but we soon developed a keen interest in the show ring.
Our first litter produced Aust Ch Ashlaren Galena, one of only a handful of Weimaraners graded Excellent (in Australia and New Zealand) by German Breed Warden, Dr Werner Petrie, who judged Australia's first Weimaraner National in 1988 and also judged Weimaraners in NZ the same year. In 1991, Galena was mated to Ch Lindridge Wee Jasper and this mating produced Aust Ch Ashlaren Xavier who won Best Puppy in Show at the prestigious Sydney Royal in 1992. Xavier and his litter sister, Ch Ashlaren Air Jordan, a Best in Specialty Show winner, won numerous group and in show awards and consolidated our future breeding program.
Ashlaren Xavier winning Best Puppy In Show at the Sydney Royal Show 1992, shown by Rachel.
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